It makes feasible ways for removing the negative effects of planets in a horoscope to overcome pregnancy problems.
Has the power to sharpen your intellect, discerning sense and memory.
It bestows the pregnant women to minimize risks when giving birth to a child.
It helps to experience powerful energies on the body to protect a child from potential threats.
It gives ways for begetting a child with all qualities.
Parents can perform this fire ritual for improving the talents of children in an effective.
MANTRA:- “Om Devaki Sudha Govinda Vasudeva Jagath Pathe Dehimey Thanayam Krishna Thwamaham Saranam Kadhahaa Deva Deva Jagannatha Gothra Vridhi Karap Prabho Dehimey Thanayam Sheegram Ayushmandham Yashashreenam”